We have partnered with Niagara Chocolate for 20 years for our Spring fundraiser because they offer a high-quality chocolate, fifty percent profit for our school, and they are great company to work with.

Last year with your generous support we were able to have our best year! We sold over $3,000 in sales in 2019. This year our goal is to sell $3,000 of chocolate for a profit of $1,500 for our school. The fundraisers you and your students participate in every year help us to keep our tuition costs more affordable for all families.

Our fundraiser begins January 19th and ends February 10th, 2021. All orders are submitted online this year. Our catalogs are in mailboxes to share, the link is below, and our school code is: PARFRE1S
The link to follow: https://orderentry.fundtrackersql.com/niagarachocolates/Account/RegistrationFindSchool?fbclid=IwAR2Nm1VXXJuolQs0MIXq-tLpLm1Sve2pwSd_fTBv4ovkqvAswDiKlcim6JM